Come join Student Government at their public meeting at 4 pm in the Action and Empowerment Center on the 2nd floor of Hibbard, make your voice heard.
The Keystone College Environmental Education Institute (KceeI) will host a Maple Open House on Saturday, March 1. Stop by the Sugar Shack anytime from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to experience the maple sugaring process from sap to syrup. Enjoy a guided walk through the sugar bush, learn about the history of maple sugaring, maple […]
Lackawanna County Highway Safety will be here with an informational table with spring break safety tips.
Join us for a Mardi Gras Potluck event on March 4! Please RSVP to Elaine Boersma with your dish of choice by February 25.
All mid-term grades due
Details to come.