Student Government Public Meeting

Student Government Public Meeting

Action and Empowerment Center Hibbard Campus Center, Factoryville, PA 18419

Come join Student Government at their public meeting at 4 pm in the Action and Empowerment Center on the 2nd floor of Hibbard, make your voice heard.

Sugar Shack Open House

Sugar Shack

The Keystone College Environmental Education Institute (KceeI) will host a Maple Open House on Saturday, March 1. Stop by the Sugar Shack anytime from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to experience the maple sugaring process from sap to syrup. Enjoy a guided walk through the sugar bush, learn about the history of maple sugaring, maple […]

Spring Break Safety

Hibbard Campus Center - 3rd Floor (top level)

Lackawanna County Highway Safety will be here with an informational table with spring break safety tips.

Keystone Assembly Mardi Gras Potluck

Giants' Den

Join us for a Mardi Gras Potluck event on March 4! Please RSVP to Elaine Boersma with your dish of choice by February 25.

Diversity Topic Luncheon

Fireplace Lounge Hibbard Campus Center, Factoryville, PA 18419

Details to come.